Platinum Plus Resident Savings Account
The Platinum Plus Resident Savings is a savings account that offers the possibility to save for a specific goal. The interest will be calculated based on the quarterly minimum balance and is credited to the account on the last day of each year.
You can apply for an Aruba Bank Platinum Resident Savings Account by contacting your personal account manager for an appointment.
Why choose for a Platinum Plus Savings Account
Required Documents
Service and assistance
Higher interest rate
Save for your retirement or a special goal, and benefit from the higher interest rate awarded to Platinum Savings Account holders. Your interest is calculated on the minimum quarterly balance and credited to your account on the last day of each year.
Account features:
Bring these documents to your appointment:
* Please note that specific documents and conditions are applicable to open a non-resident account. Call our Contact Center at 527 7777 for more information
Platinum Banking Team
Our Platinum Banking Account Managers are ready to give you a lavish VIP treatment in the comfort of your office or ours, while offering you distinctive banking products.
You deserve the Platinum Banking experience; an exclusive experience that will exceed your expectations.
Get in touch for a personal appointment!
Send an e-mail or call your account manager for a personal appointment.
Do you have questions?
Call our Contact Center during office hours and extended hours at (297)527 7777.