Fee Schedule

In an effort to promote transparency, we are publishing our “Fee Schedule” for the convenience of our customers, effective as of January 1st, 2024.
*Fees include taxes

Note: Special fees apply for 65+ customers for our Resident Personal accounts and Resident ATM-only accounts

current account fees

Account AWG. Account Foreign currency account
Personal accounts 10.00 per month 10.00 per month in foreign currency 
ATM only accounts 10.00 per month
10.00 per month in foreign currency
Corporate accounts  25.00 per month 
20.00 per month for Non-Profit Organizations
25.00 per month in foreign currency
20.00 per month in foreign currency for Non-Profit Organizations
Platinum current accounts  12.50 per month
12.50 per month in foreign currency
Non-Resident accounts (Corporate)
Non-Resident accounts (Personal)
40.00 per month 
37.10 per month
40.00 per month in foreign currency 
37.10 per month in foreign currency 


Account/Service AWG. Account Foreign Currency Account
Cash Deposits
(updates as of January 1, 2024)
(from 5.00)
1.00% when in foreign currency, min 8.00
(from 1.25% in foreign currency, min 7.50)
Cash Deposits Pensioner 4.00   
Cash deposit at teller by Corporate client 
(updates as of January 1, 2024)
1/2% with a minimum of 8.00 (when in local currency)
1.00% with a minimum of 8.00 (when in foreign currency) 

(from 1.25% with a minimum of 7.50 and a maximum of 37.50)
1.00% when in foreign currency, min 8.00
(from 1.25% when in foreign currency, min 7.50) 
Safety Deposit Box  Min. 84.80 max. 355.10 depending on size/per year Min. 84.80 max. 355.10 depending on size/per year
Night Deposit 
(updates as of January 1, 2024)
5.00 per transaction (from 3.00 per transaction) 

65.00 per 100 pieces bags
5.00 per transaction (from 3.00 per transaction)

65.00 per 100 pieces bags


Account/Service AWG. Account Foreign currency account
Retail overdraft annual renewal  3% min. 53.00   (*min. 50.00) 3% min. 53.00  (*min. 50.00)
Corporate overdraft annual renewal  1.07% 1.07%
Retail and Corporate late payment fees on loans: 
(updates as of February 7, 2024)

Personal Loan and Car Loan

Individual Mortgage and Home Equity Loans 

Corporate Term Loan, Term Loan (Mortgage Backed), and Mortgage Loans

  80.25 per past-due installment

160.50 per past-due installment

18% of past-due principal amount, with a minimum of 107.00 


 80.25 per past-due installment

160.50 per past-due installment

18% of past-due principal amount, with a minimum of 107.00


Account/Service  AWG. Account  Foreign currency account 
ATM card replacement  26.50 per card  N/A 


Account/Service AWG. Account  Foreign currency account
Withdrawal at other ATM  4.77 per withdrawal 4.77 per withdrawal
Inquiry at other ATM  0.48 per inquiry 0.48 per inquiry
Online Banking Corporate Account  0.00 per month (from 8.83 per month - now included in Corporate Administration fee)
0.00 per month (from 8.83 per month - now included in Corporate Administration fee)
*Non-resident (f.e. tourists) card holder debit/credit card usage AWG. 9.54/ US 5.30 per withdrawal at any Aruba Bank ATM AWG. 9.54/ US 5.30 per withdrawal at any Aruba Bank ATM


Account/Service AWG. Account  Foreign Currency Account 
Internal (incoming SWIFT) For deposit on AWG. Account (per transfer*) 

- Bank Commission AWG. 10.00 
- Correspondent Charges AWG. 18.00 (if the amount received in USD.) 
- Correspondent Charges EUR. 10.00  
For deposit on Foreign Currency Account (per transfer*)


- Bank Commission 0.25% with min. USD. 6.00, max. 100.00
- Correspondent Charges USD. 10.00 

- Bank Commission 0.25% with min. AWG. 5.00, max. 100.00
- Correspondent Charges EUR. 10.00 
External (outgoing SWIFT) - .125% with min. AWG. 25.00, max. 750.00+35.00+USD 10.00 or EUR 10.00 * When transfer is conducted using Aruba Bank Online or Aruba Bank App

- .125% with min. AWG. 25.00, max. 750.00+45.00+USD 10.00 or EUR 10.00 + AWG 10.00

When conducted via paper transfer forms or teller at Aruba Bank

- .125% with min. AWG. 25.00, max. 750.00+35.00+USD 10.00 or EUR 10.00 (or counter value in foreign currency) *

When transfer is conducted using Aruba Bank Online or Aruba Bank App

- .125% with min. AWG. 25.00, max. 750.00+35.00+USD 10.00 or EUR 10.00 +AWG 10.00

When conducted via paper transfer forms or teller at Aruba Bank

Urgent Fee (after cut-off time)
(updates as of December 1, 2022)
AWG. 50.00 (from 25.00)*

AWG. 50.00 (from 25.00)*
Non-Sufficient Funds fee (manual instruction)
(updates as of December 1, 2022)
 AWG. 25.00 (from 26.50)*  AWG. 25.00 (from 26.50)*


Account/Service  Self Service options available: Online Banking/ Aruba Bank App/ Smart Deposit Machine/ Customer Service Kiosk  Manual paper transfer forms or transfer via Aruba Bank Tellers 
Local Transfers
(updates as of December 1, 2022)*
Free of charge

Online Banking/ Aruba Bank App/ Customer Service Kiosk
From individual CIF - 5.00 for next-day processing (from 3.00)*

From business CIF 
- 15.00 for next-day processing (from 10.00)*

From individual 65+ account CIF - 2.00 for next-day processing (from 1.00)*

50.00 for immediate processing (from 25.00)*
Corporate (Business) Customers - Transfer to Other Local Banks
(updates as of February 15, 2023)*
AWG 0.80 per transaction  
Utility Bill Payment for electricity, water, telephone  Free of charge

Online Banking/ Aruba Bank App/ Smart Deposit Machine/ Customer Service Kiosk 
- 5.00 per bill payment
Standing Order 
(updates as of December 1, 2022)*
Free of charge  - 2.00 (from Free)*
Between accounts of the same client (within Aruba Bank) 

-  2.00 (from Free)*
Between two different clients (within Aruba Bank)

- 4.00 to other local banks - (from Min. 0.00, max. 3.18* per order)*

- 15.00  Set-up fee for new standing order incl. cancellation*

- 7.50 Amendment fee*

- 25.00 (from 26.50) Non-Sufficient Funds fee (automated after 5x tries)*


Account/Service  AWG. Account  Foreign currency account 
Cash withdrawal at the teller
(updates as of January 1, 2024) 
8.00 (residents), 15.00 (non-residents)
4.00 (65+)

(from 5.00 (all customers), 2.00 (65+))
8.00  (residents), 15.00 (non-residents) 
4.00 (65+)

(from 7.50 (residents), 12.50 (non-residents))
Stop Payment Orders 25.00  25.00 in foreign currency 
Dormant Account  15.90 per year 15.90 per year in foreign currency
Account Statement, hard copy 4.00 per statement 4.00 per statement
Account Statement 65+, hard copy 2.00 per statement 2.00 per statement
Copy of Account Statement per page 10.60
Foreign Bank Check Deposit 10.00 per check
10.00 per check
Audit Confirmation 107.00 per confirmation 107.00 per confirmation
Letter of Recommendation  26.50 per letter 26.50 per letter
Voucher Search  Min. 26.50 Min. 26.50
Foreign Exchange Sale 
(updates as of January 1, 2024)
(from 7.50 per sale)
(from 7.50 per sale)
 Exchange of paper & coins 
(updates as of January 1, 2024)
1.25%, min 8.00 – max 50.00  1.25%, min 8.00 – max 50.00 
Issue Cashier-Check in US$
(updates as of July 1, 2021)
 Bank Commission 1.00% min AWG 100.00, and max AWG 1,000.00
• Check Fee AWG 15.00
• Correspondent Charges US$ 15.00

** government tax of 1.3% of amount + 0.25% Foreign Exchange Fee Applicable.
 Bank Commission 1.00% min AWG 100.00, and max AWG 1,000.00
• Check Fee AWG 15.00
• Correspondent Charges US$ 15.00

** government tax of 1.3% of amount + 0.25% Foreign Exchange Fee Applicable.
Stop Payment Cashier-Check in US$
(updates as of July 1, 2021)
 AWG. 45.00
• Plus minimum US$ 40.00 correspondent charges
 AWG. 45.00
• Plus minimum US$ 40.00 correspondent charges
Cancel Cashier-Check in US$
(updates as of July 1, 2021)
 AWG. 35.00  AWG. 35.00
Recall Internal/ Outgoing/ Incoming Local Transfers
(updates as of December 1, 2022)
AWG. 25.00 (from 26.50)*  AWG. 25.00 (from 26.50)*
Direct Debit File Fee AWG. 26.50  AWG. 26.50
Direct Debit fee per transaction
(updates as of December 1, 2022)
AWG. 1.60 (from 1.59)*  AWG. 1.60 (from 1.59)*
  • *As per February 15th, 2023, transactions to other local banks for Aruba Bank Corporate (business) customers, will be AWG. 0.80 per transaction. 
  • **Please note that Government taxes are applicable for all transactions from resident to non-resident and foreign exchange fees for all transactions in foreign currency.
  • All fees, commissions, interest and/or costs are subject to change at the Bank’s discretion.

Useful Tips

Make an E-appointment or Video Banking Appointment 
(when selecting a Branch, choose Video Banking) at your convenience. 
Make appointment

Do you have questions?

Call our Contact Center during office hours and extended hours at (+297)527 7777.
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